The Roles
All Full-time Officers are Trustees of the Students' Union, and represent, promote and defend the rights of members and act in the best interest of the Union at all times. Officers lead campaigns, implement and help to create Union policy, attend events, and collaborate with Union staff and Officers to enhance the Students' Union and the services it offers.
1. The President is the figurehead of the Union. They are the key representative to the University and to external organisations. They work as part of the Trustee team to ensure the development of the Union to meet its aims and objectives.
2. To be the principle spokesperson and figurehead of the Union
3. To be a full and active member of the University Committee structure
4. To liaise closely with the University Management Team and senior University staff
5. To interpret the Union’s constitution and rules
6. To co-ordinate the activities of the Union Chief Executive and the permanent staff
7. To co-ordinate the work of the Officer Trustees
8. To liaise with the National Union of Students
9. To lead on the Union’s long term planning
Vice Presidents
There shall be 4 Vice Presidents as below:
Vice-President Business and Law & Psychology
Vice-President Social Sciences (SS) & Architecture, Computing & Engineering (ACE)
Vice-President Cass School of Education and Communities & Health, Sport & Bioscience (HSB)
Vice-President Arts & Digital Industries (ADI) & Combined Honours
1. Each Vice-President will be responsible for two Schools of the University and therefore the students within that School. Each Vice-President shall also Chair the School Forum meetings within their School.
2. Each VP will be responsible for co-ordinating support and advice to students on issues affecting their personal and academic welfare, within their two Schools. Issues requiring academic advice and representation shall be referred to the Union Advice Team.
3. Once elected, each Vice-President should be appointed to one of the following positions: Societies & Communications Officer, Education Officer, Community & Development Officer, Welfare Officer. The method of appointment will be on the basis of votes polled in the election with the Vice-President polling the highest number of votes having first choice of position and so on in order of votes cast.
4. Each Vice-President may be assigned a further Union-wide remit by Student Council, once elected. These remits may be selected annually by the Student Council.
5. To co-ordinate the Union’s representation of students to the University through meetings, one-to-one advice, lobbying and campaigning.
6. To raise issues of student concerns with the rest of the Trustee Board and develop appropriate responses
7. To work with Union staff members to deliver effective student representation
8. To support Programme Representatives in tackling issues affecting the student experience
9. To represent students on University Committees
10. To take the lead in promoting the Union elections
11. To work with staff in the Union to ensure that students are included and involved in its activities
12. To work with the other Executive Officers to run campaigns on issues affecting the student experience
13. To meet and liaise with University Staff responsible for delivering the University’s support services to discuss student concerns.