This is a voluntary part-time position taken alongside your studies, used to represent part-time students within the Students' Union. These roles normally require 3-4 hours per month.
Please click on the posts below to read the Role Descriptions
Women’s Officer
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Officer
Disabled Students’ Officer
Black Students’ Officer
Ethics & Environment Officer
Mature Students’ Officer
Student Parents’ Officer
Postgraduate Taught Students’ Officer
Postgraduate Research Students’ Officer
International (EU) Students’ Officer
International (Non-EU) Students’ Officer
Part-Time Students’ Officer
Student Governor Trustee
Sports Officer
Volunteering Representative
Role Descriptions
Women’s Officer
- The member who holds this post must self-define as a woman and be elected by women members only.
- To represent female students at UEL, within the Students’ Union, the University and in the wider community.
- To be responsible for the promotion of women’s issues.
- To encourage the involvement of women students in their Union.
- To co-ordinate the work of the Union on all matters relevant to women students.
- To have responsibility for events, campaigns and activities organised under the banner of the Women’s Campaign.
- To attend the University Committees as and when necessary.
- To attend the UELSU Committees as and when necessary.
- To collect, produce and distribute information and literature in line with the work of the Union in general and the Women’s Campaign in particular.
- To implement policies as decided by the democratic structures of the Union.
- To liaise with local community groups and other organisations relevant to the Women’s Officer’s areas of responsibility.
- To ensure that all work is carried out in line with the UELSU Constitution and Equal Opportunities Policy.
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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Officer
- The member who holds this post must self-define as LGBT and be elected by LGBT members only.
- To represent LGBT students at UEL, within the Students’ Union, the University and the wider community.
- To be responsible for the promotion of LGBT issues.
- To encourage the involvement of LGBT students in their Union.
- To co-ordinate the work of the Union on all matters relevant to LGBT students.
- To attend the University Committees as and when necessary.
- To attend the UELSU Committees as and when necessary.
- To have responsibility for events, campaigns and activities organised under the banner of the LGBT Campaign.
- To collect, produce and distribute information and literature in line with the work of the Union in general and the LGBT Campaign in particular.
- To implement polices as decided by the democratic structures of the Union.
- To liaise with local community groups and other organisations relevant to the LGBT Officer’s areas of responsibility.
- To ensure that all work is carried out in line with the UELSU Constitution and Equal Opportunities Policy.
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Disabled Students’ Officer
- The member who holds this post must self-define as disabled and be elected by disabled members only.
- To represent disabled students at UEL, within the Students’ Union, the University and in the wider community.
- To be responsible for the promotion of disability issues.
- To encourage the involvement of disabled students in their Union.
- To co-ordinate the work of the Union on all matters relevant to disabled students.
- To have responsibility for events, campaigns and activities organised under the banner of the Disabled Students Campaign.
- To collect, produce and distribute information and literature in line with the work of the Union in general and the Disabled Students Campaign in particular.
- To attend the University Committees as and when necessary.
- To attend the UELSU Committees as and when necessary.
- To implement polices as decided by the democratic structures of the Union.
- To liaise with local community groups and other organisations relevant to the Disabled Students Officer’s areas of responsibility.
- To ensure that all the work is carried out in line with the UELSU Constitution and Equal Opportunities Policy.
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Black Students’ Officer
- The member who holds this post must self-define as black, as defined by NUS’ Black Students Campaign and be elected by black members only.
- To represent black students at UEL, within the Students’ Union, the University and in the wider community.
- To be responsible for the promotion of black students’ issues.
- To encourage the involvement of black students in their Union.
- To co-ordinate the work of the Union on all matters relevant to black students.
- To have responsibility for events, campaigns and activities organised under the banner of the Black Students’ Campaign.
- To attend the University Committees as and when necessary.
- To attend the UELSU Committees as and when necessary.
- To collect, produce and distribute information and literature in line with the work of the Union in general and the Black Students’ Campaign in particular.
- To implement policies as decided by the democratic structures of the Union.
- To liaise with local community groups and other organisations relevant to the Black Officer’s areas of responsibility.
- To ensure that all work is carried out in line with the UELSU Constitution and Equal Opportunities Policy.
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Ethics & Environment Officer
- To represent UEL students both within the University and in the wider community.
- To be responsible for the promotion of ethical & environmental issues.
- To co-ordinate the work of the Union on all matters of relevant to environmental issues.
- To attend the University Committees as and when necessary.
- To attend the UELSU Committees as and when necessary.
- To have responsibility for events, campaigns and activities organised under the banner of the Ethics & Environment Campaign.
- To collect, produce and distribute information and literature in line with the work of the Union in general and the Ethics & Environment Campaign in particular.
- To encourage the involvement of UEL students in their Union.
- To implement policies as decided by the democratic structures of the Union.
- To liaise with local community groups and other organisations in line with the Ethics & Environment Officer’s areas of responsibility.
- To ensure that all the work is carried out in line with the UELSU Constitution and Equal Opportunities Policy.
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Mature Students’ Officer
- The member who holds this post must be 22 or older during their first year of studies at UEL and be elected by members who are 22 or older during their first year of studies only.
- To represent mature students at UEL, within the Students’ Union, the University and in the wider community.
- To be responsible for the promotion of mature Students Issues.
- To encourage the involvement of mature students in the Mature Students Campaign.
- To co-ordinate the work of the Union on all matters relevant to mature students.
- To have responsibility for events, campaigns and activities organised under the banner of the Mature Students Campaign.
- To attend the University Committees as and when necessary.
- To attend the UELSU Committees as and when necessary.
- To collect, produce and distribute information and literature in line with the work, of the Union in general and the Mature Students Campaign in particular.
- To implement policies as decided by the democratic structures of the Union.
- To liaise with local community groups and other organisations relevant to the Mature Students Officer’s areas of responsibility.
- To ensure that all work is carried out in line with the UELSU Constitution and Equal Opportunities Policy.
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Student Parents’ Officer
- The member who holds this post must be a parent and be elected by members who are also parents.
- To represent student parents at UEL, within the Students’ Union, the University and in the wider community.
- To be responsible for the promotion of student parents issues.
- To encourage the involvement of student parents in their Students’ Union.
- To co-ordinate the work of the Union on all matters of relevance to student parents.
- To have responsibility for events, campaigns and activities organised under the banner of the Student Parents Campaign.
- To attend the University Committees as and when necessary.
- To attend the UELSU Committees as and when necessary.
- To collect, produce and distribute information and literature in line with the work of the Union in general and the Student Parents Campaign in particular.
- To implement policies as decided by the democratic structures of the Union.
- To liaise with local community groups and other organisations in line with the Student Parent Officer’s areas of responsibility.
- To ensure that all the work is carried out in line with the UELSU Constitution and Equal Opportunities Policy.
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Postgraduate Taught Students’ Officer
- The member who holds this post must be registered on a postgraduate taught programme at UEL and be elected by postgraduate taught students only.
- To represent postgraduate students at UEL, within the Students’ Union, the University and in the wider community.
- To be responsible for the promotion of postgraduate students issues.
- To encourage the involvement of student parents in their Students’ Union.
- To co-ordinate the work of the Union on all matters of relevance to student parents.
- To have responsibility for events, campaigns and activities organised under the banner of the Postgraduate Students’ Campaign.
- To attend the University Committees as and when necessary.
- To attend the UELSU Committees as and when necessary.
- To collect, produce and distribute information and literature in line with the work of the Union in general and the Postgraduate Students Campaign in particular.
- To implement policies as decided by the democratic structures of the Union.
- To liaise with local community groups and other organisations in line with the Postgraduate Taught Students’ Officer’s areas of responsibility.
- To ensure that all the work is carried out in line with the UELSU Constitution and Equal Opportunities Policy.
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Postgraduate Research Students’ Officer
- The member who holds this post must be registered on a postgraduate research programme at UEL and be elected by postgraduate research students only.
- To represent postgraduate students at UEL, within the Students’ Union, the University and in the wider community.
- To be responsible for the promotion of postgraduate students issues.
- To encourage the involvement of student parents in their Students’ Union.
- To co-ordinate the work of the Union on all matters of relevance to student parents.
- To have responsibility for events, campaigns and activities organised under the banner of the Postgraduate Students’ Campaign.
- To attend the University Committees as and when necessary.
- To attend the UELSU Committees as and when necessary.
- To collect, produce and distribute information and literature in line with the work of the Union in general and the Postgraduate Students Campaign in particular.
- To implement policies as decided by the democratic structures of the Union.
- To liaise with local community groups and other organisations in line with the Postgraduate Research Students’ Officer’s areas of responsibility.
- To ensure that all the work is carried out in line with the UELSU Constitution and Equal Opportunities Policy.
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International (EU) Students’ Officer
- The member who holds this post must be a non-home member from within the European Union and be elected by non-home members from within the European Union.
- To represent international students at UEL, within the Students’ Union, the University and in the wider community.
- To be responsible for the promotion of international students issues.
- To encourage the involvement of international students in their Students’ Union.
- To co-ordinate the work of the Union on all matters of relevance to international students.
- To have responsibility for events, campaigns and activities organised under the banner of the International Students’ Campaign.
- To attend the University Committees as and when necessary.
- To attend the UELSU Committees as and when necessary.
- To collect, produce and distribute information and literature in line with the work of the Union in general and the International Students’ Campaign in particular.
- To implement policies as decided by the democratic structures of the Union.
- To liaise with local community groups and other organisations in line with the International Students’ Officer’s areas of responsibility.
- To ensure that all the work is carried out in line with the UELSU Constitution and Equal Opportunities Policy.
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International (Non-EU) Students’ Officer
- The member who holds this post must be a member from outside the European Union and be elected by members from outside the European Union.
- To represent international students at UEL, within the Students’ Union, the University and in the wider community.
- To be responsible for the promotion of international students issues.
- To encourage the involvement of international students in their Students’ Union.
- To co-ordinate the work of the Union on all matters of relevance to international students.
- To have responsibility for events, campaigns and activities organised under the banner of the International Students’ Campaign.
- To attend the University Committees as and when necessary.
- To attend the UELSU Committees as and when necessary.
- To collect, produce and distribute information and literature in line with the work of the Union in general and the International Students’ Campaign in particular.
- To implement policies as decided by the democratic structures of the Union.
- To liaise with local community groups and other organisations in line with the International Students’ Officer’s areas of responsibility.
- To ensure that all the work is carried out in line with the UELSU Constitution and Equal Opportunities Policy.
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Part-Time Students’ Officer
- The member who holds this post must be a part-time student, as defined by UEL and be elected by part-time study members only.
- To represent part-time students at UEL, within the Students’ Union, the University and in the wider community.
- To be responsible for the promotion of part-time students issues.
- To encourage the involvement of part-time students in their Students’ Union.
- To co-ordinate the work of the Union on all matters of relevance to part-time students.
- To have responsibility for events, campaigns and activities organised under the banner of the Part-Time Students Campaign.
- To attend the University Committees as and when necessary.
- To attend the UELSU Committees as and when necessary.
- To collect, produce and distribute information and literature in line with the work of the Union in general and the Part-Time Students’ Campaign in particular.
- To implement policies as decided by the democratic structures of the Union.
- To liaise with local community groups and other organisations in line with the Part-Time Students’ Officer’s areas of responsibility.
- To ensure that all the work is carried out in line with the UELSU Constitution and Equal Opportunities Policy.
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Student Governor Trustee
- To represent UEL students’ interest both within the University and in the wider community.
- To represent the interest of the UEL students at Board of Governors.
- To voice the opinion & policies as decided by the democratic structures of the Union at the UEL Board of Governors, other committees and events.
- To attend University Committees & Events as and when necessary.
- To attend the UELSU Committees.
- To provide the Student Council with a report on the proceeding of the Board of Governors.
- Be the Student Trustee on the Union’s Trustee Board
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Sports Officer
- To represent UEL students both within the University and in the wider community.
- To be responsible for the promotion of sports-related issues.
- To co-ordinate the work of the Union on all matters of relevant to sport.
- To attend the University Committees as and when necessary.
- To attend the UELSU Committees as and when necessary.
- To encourage the involvement of UEL students in their Union.
- To implement policies as decided by the democratic structures of the Union.
- To liaise with local community groups and other organisations in line with the Sports Officer’s areas of responsibility.
- To ensure that all the work is carried out in line with the UELSU Constitution and Equal Opportunities Policy.
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Volunteering Representative x 2
The role of the Volunteering Reps is to represent the views of student volunteers to Student Council.