Bye-Law (12): Debating Procedure
1. The Debating bye-law shall apply in full to meetings of the Student Council, and Union General Meetings and is subject to the provisions of the constitution.
2. All motions and agenda items must be submitted in writing to the Chair or Secretary by voting members in accordance with the following time scale:-
2.1 Student Council – five working days before the meeting.
2.2 Standing Committees of Student Council – three working days before the meeting.
2.3 Motions of Removal from Office – five working days before the meeting.
2.4 Union General Meeting – five working days before the meeting
3 Every motion for debate shall have a proposer and seconder who shall be a voting member.
4 The motion may be withdrawn only with the consent of the meeting. A vote must be taken to determine so.
5 The Debating Procedure shall be as follows:
5.1 Proposer Speech For - 2mins
5.2 Open Speech Against – 2mins
5.3 Seconder Speech For – 2mins
5.4 Open Speech Against – 2mins
5.5 Open discussion
5.6 Open - Summation Against – 1min
5.7 Proposer - Summation for – 1min
6 Only one motion shall be discussed at any one time.
7.1 Any proposals to make amendments to the motion must be raised during the open discussion period of the debating procedure. The Chair shall invite and take a speech against the proposed amendments.
7.2 The Proposer of the amendments shall have the right to sum up before a vote is taken on them.
7.3 Amendments which are passed will be incorporated into the main motion.
7.4 When all amendments have been voted upon, the main motion shall be discussed and voted upon.
7.5 The summation speech shall be allocated on the basis of amendments passed and the final formulation of the main motion. The summation speech shall be allocated at the end of the debate immediately before the vote is taken.
7.6 There shall be no new information or points of information during the either summation speech.
7.7 Unless otherwise specified in the Constitution, amendments to the Constitution, Bye-Law and Motions of Removal from Office shall require a two thirds majority at a General Meeting to become Union Policy. All other motions shall require a simple majority.
7.8 Emergency Motions may be moved if, they deal with matters which have arisen since the date for submission of motions has closed, and if a two thirds majority of those present and voting, vote for the discussion of this motion. The motion should be submitted in writing to the Chair before the start of the meeting.
Points of Order
8 Points of Order take precedence over any other business except during a vote. Points of Order may be raised by any voting member. A point of order can include:-
8.1 A request for a count to ensure that there are enough people at the meeting to constitute a quorum.
8.2 A request for a ruling from the Chair on the conduct of the meeting.
8.3 A request for a Constitutional interpretation by the Chair.
8.4 A request that a person who is not an ordinary member of the Union shall be allowed to speak.
8.5 A request to stop the normal business of the meeting to deal with a specified issue.
Changing: Procedures
9 A motion on how the meeting proceeds can be proposed by any voting member of the meeting at any time apart from during a vote. Procedural motions are as follows:
9.1 No confidence in the Chair of the meeting and a vote to elect a new chairperson, for the remainder of the meetings.
9.2 Moving straight to a vote.
9.3 To change the order of business
9.4 Conduct a vote by secret ballot.
9.5 Request for a recount on a vote.
9.6 Adjourning the meeting.
9.7 To not vote on the motion under discussion and have said motion referred to the next meeting of Student Council or another UELSU body.
10 The priority of how procedural motions shall be heard will be on the basis of the above listing.
11 After the procedural motion has been proposed there may be a speech against. If there are no further speeches for and against there will be a vote.
12 Procedural motions shall require a simple majority to be passed except where otherwise specified in the Constitution.
13 In the event of any situation arising not being covered by the Debating bye-laws then the Chair shall rule on the procedure to be adopted. Such ruling may be the subject of a challenge under the bye-laws for procedural motions.