World No Smoking Day: poster competition

Wednesday 12 March 2025 - noon - 1:30pm


On sale now

£0.00 (Student)
NB.1.02, Docklands

Join us for a creative and impactful way to raise awareness on World No Smoking Day!

How it works: Participants will have one hour to design a compelling poster that encourages others to quit smoking and live a healthier life. Basic stationery and A3 sketch sheets will be provided, so all you need to bring is your creativity and passion for the cause!

At the end of the hour, each participant/team will have 2 minutes to talk about their poster and explain the message they wish to convey. Two of our student officers will pick a winner, and the team or person with the best poster will receive a box of delicious chocolates!

The winning posters will also be showcased on our social media pages to help spread awareness of World No Smoking Day and encourage others to make healthier choices.

Why Participate?

This year is the Year of Health at UEL, with a focus on health inequalities. Smoking is the leading cause of health inequalities, accounting for half of the difference in life expectancy between the most and least affluent communities in England. In 2021, 23.8% of adults in the most deprived neighbourhoods were current smokers, compared to just 6.8% in the least deprived areas.

This event is taking place as part of Health Gain Month 2025, and is brought to you by wellbeing officer Stuti Sah as part of her work on improving students' physical health.