UELSU Evaluation, Ethics and Standards Committee: Terms of Reference.
1. The Evaluation, Ethics and Standards Committee is a Committee of the Board of Trustees as described in the Constitution and shall meet a minimum of twice each year.
2. The purpose of the Evaluation, Ethics and Standards Committee is to advise the Board on matters in relation to the Union’s impact on the environment, on ethical issues and in relation to the Union’s role in both the local community and wider civic/civil society.
3. The Evaluation, Ethics and Standards Committee’s responsibilities are summarised as follows:
To develop environment practices and policies such as recycling, waste management and energy conservation as appropriate.
To promote ways in which the Union can reduce the impact it has on the environment as well as the impact in can have on global and local ethical concerns.
To oversee, monitor and comment on such items as whistle blowing policy, disciplinary procedure, bullying/harassment policy, and any other policy which requires specific moral choices to be made by a member of staff or student and to consider any ethical issues that may arise from complaints under such procedures.
4. (a) Membership of the Evaluation, Ethics and Standards Committee shall be the President, one other Officer Trustee appointed by the Board, two external Trustees appointed by the Board, a representative appointed by the University of East London and a representative appointed by NUS.
(b) The Union Ethics and Environment Officer will normally be invited to attend meetings of the Evaluation, Ethics and Standards Committee.
(c) The Evaluation, Ethics and Standards Committee may seek independent advice on matters in relation to these terms of reference.
(d) The CEO shall normally attend meetings of the Evaluation, Ethics and Standards Committee in an advisory capacity.
5. To promote formal liaison with the University of East London on matters of ethical and environmental policy and practice to include ethical investment, sustainable procurement and to include UEL policy matters as a standing agenda item at meetings of the Committee.