First Love Society

Hello!! - First Love is a faith-based society that holds amazing events and weekly meetings where we learn about God and navigating student life and faith.

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What does our Student Group do?

Aim: To develop, support, and inspire strong Christian faith in young people.

Why should you join our student group?

First love is full of young, kind, and passionate people, and we believe in loving God and loving others. We have branches all over the UK at nearly every university. It is a great chance to hear a word from God and establish great friendships. We plan to organise many events such as concerts, dance events, movie productions, and movie nights to encourage students to come together, meet new people, build great relationships, and develop in the faith.

Where do you meet/train and on what days?

Currently meeting on Thursdays at 7 pm on zoom.

What is the best thing about your student group?

There is an opportunity to have great friends and most importantly building a relationship with God. Loving God, loving others.

How to contact us?


There are some further details on our weekly meetings below!


Check back soon for more events

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