Got a question?

As a University of East London, you are automatically a member of the Students’ Union! This grants you free access to our student groups, community groups, campaigns, and our advice service, as well as having our full support throughout your time here.
Find information on our student groups here. If you would like to start a student group, you will need a new and original group idea and three committee members. You will then need to fill out an application form which will be reviewed by the activities team. Find the application form for starting a new group here.
Visit to sign up and order your card.
You can find out all about course reps, what they do and how to become one here.
Contact the Student Life Helpdesk on

UEL Students' Union (NB.G.01), University of East London, 4-6 University Way, London, E16 2RD

Registered Charity Number: 1173994 | Company Number: 10820498 | © UEL Students' Union 2020
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